
The purpose of aprentas is to secure the next generation of professionals and provide job-related further training. The association members are companies and institutions that want to train their apprentices together with aprentas or to make use of the further training offers available. Service contracts are concluded with members. Membership is open to both legal entities and natural persons. 

Benefits of Membership

Membership is particularly worthwhile for companies and institutions who train apprentices or are planning to do so, regardless of their size and industry. Good reasons to become a member are the training quality, easing the burden on the companies and many additional benefits.

Other offers are also available to non-members e.g. the entire further training offer.

Training Quality
  • Apprentices from aprentas member companies are incredibly successful and perform particularly well in all professions. Wherever it is feasible, our practical training goes beyond the statutory inter-company courses and thus offers real added value.
  • We know the needs of the market and teach the apprentices current and sought-after techniques.
  • We work in close contact with the businesses and vocational schools and coordinate the collaboration in the best way possible.
  • We quickly identify training problems but also special talents and organise and implement consulting and supervision measures. We also support, nurture or coach apprentices on an individual basis as required.
Reducing the Burden on Companies
  • The apprentices spend the first few months of their apprenticeship with aprentas and not in the company where they will actually spend their apprenticeship. When they subsequently start in the apprenticeship company, they have already learned the most important techniques.
  • aprentas also assumes responsibility for conveying many operational learning objectives. This corresponds to a reduction in personnel of approx. 0.2 FTEs per year or around CHF 20,000.
  • In general, apprentices spend 40% of their time working for their apprenticeship company. The company will benefit from a return on investment from the 2nd apprenticeship year at the latest.
  • We support the member companies in administrative and official matters.
  • Upon agreement, we can also assume responsibility for recruiting new apprentices.
Further Benefits
  • Aptitude tests for your apprenticeship applicants
  • Information (trial days, job fairs etc.) on the various teaching professions
  • Having a say at aprentas by participating in the general meeting
  • Networking with other aprentas members
  • Representation in terms of politics, business and society on matters of educational policy
Frequently Asked Questions

How expensive is the apprentice training and how much is the membership fee? Novartis and Syngenta can undoubtedly afford this but we are a small company with a small budget.

When aprentas was founded, training as part of a network promised to become less expensive for all companies involved – both large and small – while retaining the same level of quality. This has also proven to be the case over the past 20 years. As a smaller company, you will particularly benefit in terms of training quality (equipment and infrastructure; on an equal footing with global players).

The training prices differ according to the teaching profession and may vary slightly from one year to the next. Please don’t hesitate to contact the senior management team to receive non-binding detailed information.

It’s worth considering the overall picture when looking at training costs. In general, apprentices spend 40% of their time working for their apprenticeship company. aprentas also takes over responsibility from the member companies for communicating the basic principles at the start of the apprenticeship; this saves you time and personnel during the induction phase.

I want to attend a further training course at aprentas. Do I or my employer have to become a member?

The entire further training offer from aprentas is also open to non-members. However, members benefit from reductions.

I am a new Board member in a professional organisation. A complete revision of the educational decrees for our teaching profession is pending. None of us have any experience in this area. We are not a member of aprentas and are also far removed from the chemistry and pharmaceutical industry. Can you still provide us with consulting advice?

Of course! Our consulting offer is also open to non-members and covers various industries. We have already supported customers from various industries on such projects to their utmost satisfaction. By the way, our members are no longer just chemical and pharmaceutical companies but also technical businesses, service companies, authorities etc. Please send us a non-binding enquiry!



Marc Dinkel
