Quality Management and HSE

aprentas delivers high-quality services to provide the best possible benefit to its customers. The quality management system is a key instrument for focusing the core business on the needs of customers and other stakeholders. Company management and development is based on suitable and recognised management systems, namely ISO 9001 and the principles of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). Promoting professionalism and an awareness of quality among all employees is, and remains, imperative for implementing the strategy and achieving the company’s goals.

Health, (Occupational) Safety and the Environment (HSE)

For many years, aprentas has been a member of the ECO SWISS industry solution from the Federal Coordination Commission for Occupational Safety (FCOS). ECO SWISS is the organisation for environmental protection, occupational safety and health protection in the Swiss economy. Among other things, it is a strong advocate of matters related to SMEs that work in the area of chemical processing and biotechnology companies, and offers a platform and network for companies and associations to tackle tasks together and find solutions.

Certifications and Awards

In spring 2000, the laboratory training, vocational training school and further training were certified for the first time for the internationally recognised quality and management system norm ISO 9001. In May 2005, aprentas as an institution received the certification for ISO 9001, which has been continually renewed ever since. At the same time, the further training was certified by the leading eduQua label in Switzerland.

The mindset of striving for "excellence" in business management has always implicitly been part of the aprentas’ company philosophy. For some time, the training association has been explicitly developing its excellence mindset in line with the principles and evaluation criteria of the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). After successfully completing three improvement projects following a self-assessment, aprentas was awarded the “Committed to Excellence” label by the Swiss Association for Quality (SAQ) in June 2011. After an assessment performed by the ESPRIX foundation, this was followed in November 2014 by the "Recognised for Excellence" (R4E) award.



Richard Abgottspon